Health Insurance Options for Senior Citizens
Health insurance used to be considered a replacement of income for your spouse and children if you were to die during your working years. People of retirement age and older do not usually have young children to provide for because their children are usually grown up and have their own jobs and families. Therefore the benefits of insurance are directed to the needs of the elderly as they live out the rest of their lives. The life insurance sum will generally pay for the funeral arrangements and provide a lump sum to whoever is left behind. Some also help to pay the fees should one go into a nursing home facility as well. Because of the baby boomers living to a more advanced age the need for this type of health insurance is starting to increase.
Whilst the need for health insurance may decrease with age for some, there are many who would benefit from health insurance for the elderly. People are living longer these days and often, elderly individuals are called on to raise their grandchildren, long after they have finished raising their own offspring. If you are responsible for raising your grandchildren as a senior citizen, who will provide for them when you’re gone?
Social security and pension benefits, if they are eligible to receive them, can fill in the gaps for your spouse and dependents after your death, but will that be enough? Look closely at your individual situation to determine whether or not you need to purchase senior health insurance and, if so, your chances to obtain it at a reasonable rate should you need to. What works for one may not work for you, so you must assess your personal situation before proceeding. Today Health Insurance has changed and many policies that were once thought of as age related are now being revised. Of course changing a policy you have had for many years will always be the best bet, since it was bought at ultimate age, health, and cost. But for those people who never thought they would need it, there are still some great policies available at a reasonable cost with great benefits.
When you become elderly buying health insurance can be difficult. As you get older, the companies that supply insurance cover don’t make any money off you unless they make the policies too high priced to achieve. Securing senior life insurance at a good premium rate can be even more difficult than the ads lead you to believe.
Unfortunately the real fact of the matter is that anything that increases your risk of death also makes you more of a risk to the insurance companies, thus reducing your chances of getting a good deal at a premium rate. Fortunately many insurance companies that specialise in providing senior people’s insurance plans can offer you not only a wealth of good insurance information but they can also offer you a good insurance plan at a decent insurance rate.
You can increase your chances of securing a decent health insurance plan for the elderly if you are prepared to compromise exactly what you want to insure against. One way to achieve this is to get coverage for only long-term care and death expenses (such as cost of funeral, coffin and plot) Another way is by looking at your past and current lifestyle. If you keep yourself reasonably fit, haven’t had any major illnesses and have no bad habits such as smoking and excess drinking you should be able to purchase a good health insurance plan at a decent price.
Although in the past the need for health insurance had been thought to decrease as a person got older this is certainly not the case now. Many insurance companies are seeing a gap in the market helping those of advancing age decide upon an insurance policy that will cover them both in long-term care and also funeral arrangements as the time draws near.
In the past many insurance companies were reluctant to issue health insurance to senior citizens. Not only that but many employer-sponsored heath insurance plans contained provisions to reduce the benefits for employees once they had reached a a certain age, usually 65. Today, although not as bad as in the past, you will often find that this is still the case.
No matter who or what insurance policy you decide to go with, make sure it best suits your needs. Do your research and compare quotes and policies to see who offers the most for the money. Every senior citizen has different needs and it is essential to have all the facts and information laid out logically so that you can get the best policy for the best price. For example, an elderly couple with an adult handicapped child will need more health insurance than a single elderly person who is alone and has only need for long-term and death benefits. There is also a broad spectrum in between which needs to be catered for. It is therefore, essential that you make sure you know what your needs are before signing anything.…